The types of of iterations that you can use are:
1 NUMERIC Fuzzing
2 STRING Fuzzing
3 CUSTOM Fuzzing. Define POSITIONS and advanced option CHARS
4 File (Provide a File to use)
5 RANDOM Characters e.g. �\!"#$%&/()='
6 SQL injection (will use Msf::Config.install_root/data/wordlists/sql_injections.txt)
7 Long strings eg. A x 10000
Things that you might want to try while using this tool:
- Use methods GET or POST
- Configure a COOKIE and fuzz
- Add custom HEADERS and fuzz
- Review log file created at the end of each fuzzing session
- Create your own wordlist file and provide it to the fuzzer using TYPE 4 option
Some ideas of custom files: XSS, SQL Queries, Folders or directories, common files,
transversal, passwords, etc.
- Use advanced options to only show responses with specific CODE (e.g. 500)
- Use advanced options to stop fuzzing when a phrase is found in the response
Phrase example: "[SQLServer]"
Module Options
msf > use auxiliary/fuzzers/http/http_fuzz
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > show options

Basic configuration
msf > use auxiliary/fuzzers/http/http_fuzz
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > show options
msf > use auxiliary/fuzzers/http/http_fuzz
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set RHOST TARGET_IP
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set PATH /news/news.cfm?ID={X}3869{X}
PATH => /news/news.cfm?ID=3869
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set VHOST
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set TYPE 1
TYPE => 1
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set START 1
START => 1
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > set STOP 200
STOP => 200
msf auxiliary(http_fuzz) > run
[*] Fuzzing...
[*] Start number: 1
[*] Stop Number: 200
[*] Iterations 200
[*] No Headers provided
[*] No BODY was provided as a part of the request
[*] No Cookies were provided as a part of the request
[*] Running fuzzer against https//TARGET_IP/news/news.cfm?ID={X}3869{X}
[*] | 1 | 301 | 172 | 0.137653884 | 1
[*] | 2 | 301 | 172 | 0.132698855 | 2
[*] | 3 | 301 | 172 | 0.149321481 | 3
[*] | 4 | 301 | 172 | 0.140961011 | 4
[*] | 5 | 301 | 172 | 0.143869671 | 5
... and so on
[*] Log file was created: /opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/fuzz_log/all_req_resp.xml
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
Download http-fuzz.rb from here and include it into the following metasploit directory: /msf3/modules/auxiliary/fuzzers/http/
Also, download from the same link the sample list of sql injections into the folder /msf3/data/wordlists/ to enable option 6 of the fuzzer.
Things that I know are missing:
- Implement multiple fuzzing parameters
- Threads
- Need to implement follow redirects OPTION (302 response)
- Need to implement NTLM auth to test apps as valid user
- Auxiliary tool to read and search inside log
Other great tools that can be used for the similar purposes are:
- Burp Suite
- CAT (I really recommend this one)
- Webscarab
See post on proxys for further reference: HTTP web proxies
I hope this helps someone. Please send me comments if something is broken or not working. I will be glad to help :)